Tag: beattock station

Re-opening Beattock Station in the south of Scotland

Beattock Station Action Group comments to SWestrans meeting 20-09-2019

Consultants AECOM reported in July on a South West Scotland transport study and included in the recommendations a detailed study for re-opening Beattock Station on the West Coast Main Line. Consultants Peter Brett Associates reported on the STAG2 for re-opening Beattock Station. These studies are costly and mainly paid for by cash-strapped local councils although…
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September 16, 2019 0

Campaigners for the reopening of Beattock Station welcome railway franchise decision

The group campaigning for the reopening of Beattock Station has welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Transport Minister, Keith Brown, that the franchise to run Scotland’s railways for the next ten years will be awarded to Abellio. The Minister visited Beattock only two weeks ago, just prior to making his decision. Abellio is a company…
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October 8, 2014 0