Report OF A VIRTUAL MEETING 8th June 2022

Re-opening Beattock Station in the south of Scotland

Report OF A VIRTUAL MEETING 8th June 2022

June 10, 2022 Latest News 0

Beattock Station Action Group was represented by Ron Mc Lean ( Chair ) Franca Bruno ( Vice Chair ) and Katherine Clemmens ( Secretary ). Tony  Couch, chair of Kirkpatrick Juxta Community Council was also present, along with presentatives from Eastriggs and Thornhill Railway Action Groups and Douglas Kirkpatrick of SWESTRANS. The group meeting was conducted by Catherine Demetriadi , PA to Emma Harper MSP .It was agreed to call these meeting the South West Railway Action Group.

AIMS: to provide a co-ordinated response to events and documents.

Comments were noted on the recent letter from Jenny  Gilruth , Transport Minister. Ron Mc Lean asked where are we in the “pipeline” process. DK checked and we are at the end of the “per-pipeline”process.

SWESTRANS have submitted papers to Transport Scotland STAG two and Transport Scotland will supply “consolidated feedback”in late summer.

DK advises waiting for this feedback before meeting Jenny Gilruth, which could mean September / October. As a result no date was fixed for the next meeting.